You can browse my translation series here. |
The Hebrew Bible and its Music, in 10 volumes with many musical examples as illustrations. Pace yourself while reading and sing a verse in Hebrew. 1. The Torah 2. The Former Prophets 3. The Major Prophets 4. The Twelve 5. The Books of Truth 6. The Five Scrolls 7. The Remaining Writings 8. A Biblical Hebrew to English Concordance 9. A is for Abandon, An English to Biblical Hebrew Alphabet book 10. The Progression of the Music, The Accents of the Hebrew Bible Other books by Bob MacDonald |
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Seeing the Psalter Patterns of Recurrence in the Poetry of the Psalms. Preview at Energion Direct and at Amazon. |
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The Song in the Night Learn to read and understand the ancient story using the music. Also available at Amazon |
See also the author's YouTube channel for examples of the cantillation deciphering key. |
You can find further explanations of the music on wiki here. I am always disappointed by wiki's assumption of the failure of Haïk-Vantoura's key. Their opinion is not substantiated with the experience of 10 years exploring and arranging the music using her clear deciphering of the information embedded in the te'amim. Nonetheless in the wiki post, there is some clarity on the names and systems in traditional use. There are also material errors: Sof pasuk and silluq are not the same. There are no sof passuq's in the Aleppo Codex, the source ms for the te'amim.